by April Starchild

I'm going to admit something scary.

Something you don't hear very often.

Something some people can't say.

I love being a woman.

Now, I'm not saying "I'm glad I'm not a man," which is NOT the same thing. Although more people say that.

I love being a woman.

When my period comes every month, despite the premenstrual lethargy, headaches, and cramps, I marvel at the fact that I can give birth. When you take away the half of humanity that are men, then the girls who haven't hit puberty and the women who have hit menopause, about a third of the population can give birth. I am one of those lucky people. That doesn't mean I'm planning on having children any time soon, or even having sex yet. But when I think about, it's really cool that I can create life.

When I take off my clothes and look in the mirror, I can see my many pimples on my face, chest, and back. I see that my stomach isn't flat, my hair is too thick, tangles easily, and gets greasy in one day, my legs need shaving again, my glasses, and more. But I also see that my hair is long and shiny after being combed. My face isn't as bad as it feels soemtimes, and I tell myself that nobody notices it the way I do. I see that my lips are full, my eyes are beautiful, legs long, and my smile captivating. Besides, the pair of glasses I have is pretty.

I know I'm smart. When I'm working Algebra problems, I see how they work quickly enough and I love the logic of it. I actually enjoy twisting numbers around, making them bend to my will so the equation works out. When I write something, I step back and look, and see how I'm improving with every sentence. When I learn HTML so I can design a Web site, tighten the screws on every switchplate, hinge, and doorknob in the house that needs it, scrub a bathroom until it shines, learn how to change the oil or tires on a car, finish a good book that makes me think, or discuss politics with my dad, I can feel the gears in my head turning, more wrinkles appearing in my brain, and I love it.

I can dance. I listen to all sorts of music, from pop to alternative to 60's music to classical and back again. I feel the music pounding up through my feet and into my whole body and my soul vibrates with it and I move to the sounds, whether real or in my head. I sense the emotions behind the sounds and respond. I can feel my aura stretching to the sound.

Tomorrow morning, just like many other mornings, I'll take a walk into the woods, or up on a hill, or just sit on my front porch. I'll feel the wind, or listen to birds, or stare at trees, and know, from my innermost being, that deity must be a woman like me. Only a Goddess could give birth to a universe as perfect, and beautiful, as this one.

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